
Today is the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

On Monday 7th October we will celebrate the Feast of The Holy Rosary. Families are welcome to join us in the Pastoral Centre at 3pm for refreshments. We will learn about the Rosary and pray together. Don`t forget to bring your Rosary beads.

A Meeting of Parents/Guardians of the children preparing for Confirmation 2025 will take place here in St Mary’s Church on Wednesday next 9th October at 7.30 p.m. It is important that at least one Parent/Guardian attend.

Emma, our Parish Youth Leader has published a newsletter about what`s happening for young people in our Parish, you can find a copy on our Parish noticeboard and on our website under Parish Newsletter.

St Mary’s Brass & Reed Band will have Fundraising Concert in St Mary’s Church of Ireland on Saturday 19th October at 7.30 pm to cover the balance of their recent trip to the Bad Orb Music Festival in Germany. Tickets are €10 and are available from Maynooth Bookshop or on the door on the night.

Copies of the Archbishop’s Synod Letter are available in the Porch. Please take a copy on your way out.  It is also available on the Diocesan Website.

The Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes wish to thank all who contributed to the Lourdes Associate Membership Fund which amounted to €1,583.30 for which they are most grateful.


First Collection:  €1,072     (support of Diocesan Priests)

Family Envelope & Standing Orders: €2,244

SHARE:  €920