The Eucharist is the principal Sacrament which gathers the Christian community together in prayer. At every Eucharist, or Mass as it is commonly called, we remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who offered his life on the Cross for the salvation of the world. We listen to the Word of God in the Scripture readings. We recall the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples at which Jesus took bread and wine, said the blessing, and gave them to his disciples to eat and drink. Jesus said “Do this in memory of me.” In receiving Holy Communion we are united with Jesus and also with every other person present who receives the same Body of Christ. At the end of Mass, having listened to God’s Word and been nourished with the Body of Christ in Holy Communion, we are sent out to be witnesses to Christ and heralds of the Gospel in our daily lives.
Our Parish has a programme in place for our young boys and girls preparing for First Holy Communion each year. The programme runs once a month from September to June at our Family Mass on Sunday. It supports the work of parents in handing on the faith to their children and compliments the work of religious education done in our schools.