Today is the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Please be guided by our stewards with regards to seating, receiving
Communion and leaving the Church. We ask that you please continue to
wear a facemask and sanitise your hands when you come into the Church
and when you leave.
As there will be no basket collections at the moment – envelopes for the
First and Second Collections are available in the porches. These can be
placed in the baskets in front of the Altar during Mass or please hand them
into the Parish Office.
The Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place in August – details available in the Parish Newsletter – please take a copy on your way out.
Maynooth BNS, Junior Infants Enrolments – September 2022
The final date for enrolling boys for Junior Infants 2022 is 28th January 2022. If
you have not already enrolled your son, or if you are aware of a neighbour who
has not already done so, it is important to complete an enrolment form and
return to the school office before the deadline. Enrolment forms can be obtained
from our website – .or you can collect an enrolment form
from the school office from Monday – Friday between 9am – 3pm.
First Collection: €617 (support of Diocesan Priests)
Family Envelope Standing Orders: €2,245
SHARE: €336