The last and final day of our pilgrimage to Lourdes. We concluded our pilgrimage with mass at the Poor Clare convent. We recalled the events of the week with a sense of gratitude for the opportunity of been able travel on pilgrimage together to Lourdes. We recognised how important our faith is to us, how it sustains and encourages us in all the circumstances of life. After mass we had free time for the afternoon where some shopped, others went to the Grotto to pray. We flew back in tonight and yes it’s great to be back home safely with a great sense of gratitude 🙏.
Thanks to all who travelled with me on pilgrimage it was an honour to be the Spiritual guide. Thanks to Bernie O’Connor for her role as group leader, for her good humour and organisational skills.
Bernie treated me to this coffee and kit kat I couldn’t say no !!
From Maynooth, good to be back home and blessings to all who travelled with us and those of you back home here.
Fr. Frank