On Sunday 30th October we had our preparation and enrolment mass for all the children preparing for First Confession and Communion in our parish. The theme of the mass was :
“God sees all. God loves all”
Over 500 parents and children attended. Recognising that God sees the largest and even the smallest kindest act we do is important. The children were given a gift pack with a newsletter, rosary beeds and a candle.

The newsletter had prayers and news etc in it.
The rosary beeds a reminder of the month of October and our devotion to Our Lady in reciting the rosary.
The Do This In Memory candle a connection between their sacred space at home, in the school and in the church.
After the mass we had light refreshments in the Pastoral Centre for all.

The boys from the Boys School along with their parents took responsibility for organising the mass and refreshments afterwards. There was lovely art work by the boys.

Thanks to all.
Our next DTIM mass will be on Sunday 20th November at 10am.
Fr. Frank