We had mass in Bartres this morning where we remembered all of our faithful departed. It’s painful remembering loved ones but therapeutic when recall in the context of faith and eternal life. It was appropriate that Mary a member of our baptismal team proclaimed the Word of God.
After mass we had the blessing of the pilgrims with the first class relic of St. Bernadette. The hymn in the background was Our God Reigns and so He does in all our lives.

We then visited a Ukrainian Church in Lourdes and prayed tge Our Father. Eilis led us in prayer, very appropriate given her continued involvement in our Archdiocese as a member of the committee for unity among Christian churches.

In the afternoon we had some free time Fr. Francis and myself were given an offer we couldn’t refuse !!
We will conclude our night reciting the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary opposite the Grotto.

Good night and blessings from Lourdes.
Fr. Frank