
Church Notices – St Mary’s 14th/15th October, 2023

Today is the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

St Joseph’s Young Priests’ Society
St Joseph’s Young Priests’ Society will meet in the Pastoral Centre on Wednesday next 18th October after the 10.00 a.m. Mass.

Mission Sunday
Sunday next, October 22nd is Mission Sunday.  A special collection for the Missions will be held at all Masses next weekend.  It will replace the SHARE Collection

Laraghbryan Cemetery
On Sunday 5th November there will be Prayers & Rosary at Laraghbryan Cemetery at 2 00 p.m. for those who are buried there and especially for those who died during the past year.  All are welcome to attend.
Copies of the Archbishop’s 3rd Synod Letter are available in the Church porch. Updates and information is also available on the Dublin Diocesan Website <Please Click Here >

Due to the recent rise in Covid cases, we ask that you would sanitise your hands as you enter and leave the Church.


  • First Collection:  €1,024  – (support of Diocesan Priests)
  • Family Envelope & Standing Orders: €2,170
  • SHARE: €898