
Church Notices – St Mary’s 19th/20th October, 2024.

Today is Mission Sunday. A special collection for the Missions will be held at all Masses this weekend. It will replace the SHARE Collection.  Envelopes for the Missions are also available in the porches which can be returned to the Parish Office.

Children preparing for Confirmation and their parent/s are invited to register for the Maynooth Parish Confirmation Connect. There are three “connects” which will happen in November, December and January.  Please fill out the online registration form before Monday the 4th of November if you are interested in attending with your child which can be found under notices on the Parish website or scan the qr code on the parish noticeboard.

On Sunday 3rd November there will be Prayers & Rosary at Laraghbryan Cemetery at 00 p.m. for those who are buried there and especially for those who died during the past year.  All welcome to attend.

Copies of the Archbishop’s Synod Letter are available in the Porch. Please take a copy on your way out.  It is also available on the Diocesan Website.

The Altar List of the Dead envelopes are available in the porches. You are invited to take one and place the names of all those of your family and friends who have died on to the Altar List of the Dead.  All those whose names that are entered on the Altar List of the Dead will be prayed for at all the Masses during the month of November and on every First Friday for the coming year.   When you have filled it in please return it in the Sunday collection basket, to the priests or the Parish Office.


First Collection: €944                          (support of Diocesan Priests)

Family Envelope & Standing Orders: €2,349

SHARE: €1,258