
Christmas Schedule

The Christmas Schedule is below.  It is also available from all our social media platforms(Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

Christmas Eve masses [Saint Mary’s]
4:00 PM,  Children’s Christmas service

This year we will celebrate Christmas Eve with a prayer service for children. The children are invited to join us in celebrating the birth of Jesus by bringing along a happy birthday card to disservice. They are also welcome to arrive dressed up as angels and shepherds.

7:00 PM- Mass of the Nativity
9:00 PM- Vigil mass of the Nativity

Christmas Eve Mass [Ladychapel]
8:00 PM-vigil mass of the nativity

Christmas Day Masses [Saint Mary’s]
8:45 AM
10 AM, [music led by the family mass]
11:30 AM [music led by the parish choir]
and 1:00 PM

 Christmas Day Mass [Ladychapel]
10:00 AM [music led by the Ladychapel choir]

Daily Masses
Monday December 26th-Saturday December 31st
10 AM [Saint Mary’s]

Saturday December 31st
7:00 PM [vigil Mass] -St. Mary’s

Sunday January 1st 2023 [Saint Mary’s]
8:45 AM,
10 AM, [music led by family mass]
11:30 AM [music led by parish choir]
and 1:00 PM

Sunday 1st of January 2023 [Ladychapel]
10 AM [music led by Ladychapel choir]