
Today is the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time and also Share Appeal Sunday

St Joseph’s Young Priests’ Society will meet in the Pastoral Centre after the 10.00 a.m. Mass on Wednesday next 16th

On Tuesday week, 22nd November, the Annual Mass for Deceased Parishioners and those who were buried from our Church from the 1st November, 2021 will be held in St Mary’s Church.  All welcome.

The Amoris Book Club meet in the Pastoral Centre on Monday nights. All welcome.  Their next book for discussion – “God you’re Breaking my Heart” by Brian Grogan SJ.  See details in porch.

Maynooth Senior Citizens Committee Fundraising Table Quiz will take place on Friday next 18th November, 2022 in the Newtown Inn at 8.00 p.m. See notice in porch.

 The Altar List of the Dead envelopes are available at the back of the Church. You are invited to take one and place the names of all those of your family and friends who have died on to the Altar List of the Dead.  All those whose names that are entered on the Altar List of the Dead will be prayed for at all the Masses during the month of November and on every First Friday for the coming year.   When you have filled it in please return it in the Sunday collection basket, to the priests or the Parish Office.



First Collection:  €1,311   (support of Diocesan Priests)

Family Envelope &   Standing Orders: €2,166

SHARE:    €1,000