Today is the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Presentation Girls School are now accepting enrolments for Admission to Junior Infants for September 2023. The closing date for applications is 3rdFeb 2023.
The Oratory Film produced by Fr Cyril which is about working with street children and the Salesian Mission will now take place in Maynooth Parish on Saturday 11th February from 8.00 p.m. instead of the 4th Admission is free but pre-booking is required for seating arrangements. Children under 12 will need to be accompanied by their parents. Free donations will be in support of street children in Lagos. Register outside the Church after Mass or at the Parish Office. (See notice in porches)
To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Family Mass we would like to invite all who were a part of making Family Mass so special to join us on Sunday 26th of February for 10am Mass followed by refreshments in the Parish Centre. See Notice in Church Porch.
First Collection: €1,310 (support of Diocesan Priests)
Family Envelope & SHARE €1,003
Standing Orders: €2,475