Today is the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time and also World Mission Sunday.
The 2nd Collection (SHARE) will be replaced by a special collection for the Missions. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
A reminder to those who recently received a CHY3 Tax form. Please sign and return it to the Parish Office as soon as possible. The Parish claims tax relief on annual contributions of over €250 under the Revenue’s Charitable Donations Scheme. To do this we need to have an up to date tax refund form. If we sent you a form and it does not apply to you – please contact the Parish Office so that we can correct our records.
On Sunday 6th November there will be Prayers & Rosary at Laraghbryan Cemetery at the earlier time of 2.00 p.m. for those who are buried there and especially for those who died during the past year. All welcome to attend.
Tuesday 8th November – A Prayer Service for Miscarriages will be held in St Mary’s Church at 8.00 p.m. All parents, siblings, grandparents and anyone affected by the loss of a baby are welcome to attend regardless of whether the loss was recent or long ago.
Tuesday 22nd November the Annual Mass for Deceased Parishioners and those who were buried from our Church from the 1st November, 2021 will be held in St Mary’s Church. All welcome. All of these dates are on the notice board in the porch and on the parish website.
The Altar List of the Dead envelopes are available at the back of the Church. You are invited to take one and place the names of all those of your family and friends who have died on to the Altar List of the Dead. All those whose names that are entered on the Altar List of the Dead will be prayed for at all the Masses during the month of November and on every First Friday for the coming year. When you have filled it in please return it in the Sunday collection basket, to the priests or the Parish Office.
First Collection: €1,253 (support of Diocesan Priests)
Family Envelope & Standing Orders: €2,489
SHARE: €1,068