We wish you all a Happy and Holy Easter.
We thank those who have sent in their Easter Dues. The Easter Dues Envelopes are available in the porches.
The Castle Keep Art Group will hold their annual art exhibition on Sat 6th and Sun 7th April, 12 noon to 5pm. The exhibition will be held in the foyer of the Post Primary School in the Maynooth Education Campus, Moyglare Road, Mariavilla. (W23X6X8) All welcome.
The Irish Cancer Society would like to thank you all for supporting their recent Collection in aid of Daffodil Day – total collected between St Mary’s and Ladychapel was €1,555.84 for which they are most grateful.
Church Gate Collection this weekend is in aid of the Irish Red Cross.
First Collection: €1,616 (support of Diocesan Priests)
Family Envelope & Standing Orders: €2,338
SHARE: €1,193