Today is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.
Regularly visitors to this church sometimes wish to make a once off donation towards the parish. We have installed a Tap & Go machine at the back of the church, to facilitate such donations. This money stays in our Parish. To make it as easy as possible we have limited the option to one amount of €5.All one has to do is to tap the machine with a credit or debit card and €5 will automatically be transferred. There can be no acknowledgement as the donor’s details are not recorded. Of course any parishioner can avail of this facility, but it is not designed to replace the basket collections, or the regular parish contributions via family envelopes or standing order.
To discuss our plans for a Parish Youth Leader and St Mary’s Grounds upgrade, we are holding a special parish consultation meetingon Thursday next 12th January at 8.00 p.m. in the Pastoral Centre. You are all invited. Please come along to discuss these important initiatives for the future of our parish
Thanks to all who have returned their Christmas Dues. Dues envelopes are available in the porches.
Epilepsy Ireland will hold their Church Gate Collection this weekend. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
First Collection: €1,412 (support of Diocesan Priests)
Family Envelope & Standing Orders: €2,008
SHARE €904