
Church Notices – St Mary’s & Ladychapel 11th/12th December, 2021

Today is the 3rd Sunday of Advent – Gaudete Sunday.

Please be guided by our stewards with regards to seating, receiving Communion and leaving the Church. We ask that you please continue to wear a facemask and sanitise your hands when you come into the Church and when you leave.

As there will be no basket collections at the moment – envelopes for the First and Second Collections are available in the porches. These can be placed in the baskets in front of the Altar during Mass or please hand them into the Parish Office.

The St Vincent de Paul’s Annual Appeal will take place this weekend. The funds raised will be used locally for Maynooth residents.  Donation envelopes are available in the Church porch and we would be grateful if you would return your donation to St Mary’s Parish Office or in the Church during Mass. Alternatively, and should you prefer, you can donate online at  The members of SVP thank you for supporting us in our work for the disadvantaged in our community.

Due to restrictions in the Church this year we will be issuing tickets for all of our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses in St Mary’s and also Ladychapel. Each person attending will need a ticket. We are limited to 100 tickets per Mass at St Mary’s and 40 at Ladychapel.  If you wish to book your ticket please call into the Parish Office or phone the office.   Most of the Masses are booked up but we have a small number for the 8.45 a.m., 10.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. in St Mary’s on Christmas Day.  If you have already booked your ticket please call to the Parish Office this week to collect them.

Rethink Abortion



First Collection:  €933                                  (support of Diocesan Priests)

Family Envelope &  Standing Orders:  €2,620

SHARE:  €369