
Today is the 3rd Sunday of Advent – Gaudete Sunday.

The Annual Appeal for the Society of St Vincent de Paul took place last weekend at all Masses. The funds raised will be used locally for Maynooth residents.  If you missed the collection donation envelopes are also  available in the Church porch and we would be grateful if you would return your donation to the Parish Office or in the Church during Mass. Alternatively, and should you prefer, you can donate online at  The members of SVP thank you for supporting us in our work for the disadvantaged in our community.

Parish Bible Study Group will meet next Friday morning to explore the Sunday readings of Advent at 11.00 a.m. in the Parish Centre. Tea/coffee from 10.30am. All welcome.

The PROLIFE Campaign will hold its Annual Church Gate Collection at all Masses this weekend. Your generosity is very much appreciated.

St Mary’s Brass & Reed Band’s Christmas Concert will take place here in St Mary’s this evening (Sunday) at 7.30 p.m.  Admission €10 – children free.

A reminder about parking: Parking is available each day for the 10.00 am weekday Mass and also on Sundays when both Boys’ School car parks are available.  Please respect the pathways for people who may have difficulty walking and also for wheelchair users.

Copies of the Christmas Mass Schedule, Parish Calendar & Christmas Dues Envelopes are available in the porches.

Notice re Reconciliation Service

There will be a special family friendly reconciliation service after the 10am Mass on Saturday the 21st of December in St Mary’s for those who wish to go to confession before Christmas.

This Christmas Eve St Mary`s Maynooth will celebrate with a prayer service specifically for children in the church at 5pm. The children are invited to join us in celebrating the birth of Jesus by bringing along a Happy Birthday Card to the service.  They are also welcome to arrive dressed up as angels and shepherds. A Nativity play will also be acted out and a range of festive songs and hymns will be sung by the children’s choir.

Everyone is welcome to attend and if you would also like your child to participate please attend the rehearsal on Thursday 19th at 3pm and 23rd at 11am in the church

Mass Notice – Grounds Update     

We would like to update you on our plans to upgrade the grounds at St Mary’s church.

At this stage our proposals include the following:

Providing parking in specific marked spaces on both sides of the church, along both boundary walls. This, together with the available school parking, should cater for most of the demand.

Improving pedestrian safety, allowing parishioners to congregate safely after Mass.

Leaving the Grotto as is, but removing parts of the flower bed, and replacing the damaged Mary statue. Also providing a safety rail to allow for reflection at the Grotto in safety.

Covering the grounds in a mixture of gold tar, paving brick and gold gravel.

An automated bollard at the gates to improve parking control.

We have employed an engineer to oversee the works, and we are now at the stage of discussing our plans with Kildare County Council.

As part of these discussions, The Council have updated us on plans to widen Mill Street to improve pedestrian safety. They indicated a wish to move our front wall back a little. We have entered into discussions with them to firm up a proposal, including compensation.

The timeline on this is possibly 12 months, which would delay our ground works.

We plan to hold a parish information meeting on Thursday 9th January, to give all parishioners an opportunity to get a full briefing.

In the meantime if you have any queries, please contact any of the Finance Committee.

Finally can we again thank you so much for your continued generous support in making funds available for this project.


First Collection: €1,272         (support of Diocesan Priests)

Family Envelope & Standing Orders: €2,422

St Vincent de Paul:  €9,430                             Replaced SHARE