
Today is the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

The Annual Collection for ACCORD Dublin, the Diocesan Agency for Marriage and the Family will take place at all Masses this weekend. It will replace the SHARE Collection.  Donations can be placed in the baskets during Mass or dropped into the Parish Office.  Your generosity is very much appreciated.

The Vocations Society of St Joseph will meet on Thursday next in the Pastoral Centre after the 10.00 a.m. Mass

The Parish is considering a Pilgrimage to Rome in Mid-September for five nights. Nothing is planned at the moment but if you would be interested in travelling please contact the Parish Office.

Congratulations to the Boys from the Boys National School who received their Confirmation on Friday. The Girls from the Presentation Convent will receive their Confirmation on Friday week 28th

A DCU student studying Documentary Filmmaking is required to complete a 15 minute short documentary. He would like to find 5-8 people who have loved ones buried in Laraghbryan Cemetery and to explore the topic of loss and grief. If you are interested please contact the Parish Office for further details.



First Collection:  €1,536            (support of Diocesan Priests)

Family Envelope & Standing Orders: €2,349

SHARE: €1,051