
Today is the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

The Novena of Grace takes place from the 4th-12th Copies of the Novena of Grace Prayer and Petition Sheets will be available in the porch during the week. Petitions can be placed in the Petition Box on the Altar.

Wednesday next is Ash Wednesday. The distribution of Ashes will take place at the 10.00 a.m. Mass.  There will also be Mass at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday evening.  There will be only one weekday Mass at 10.00 a.m. during Lent.

Journeying Through Lent with Characters from the Bible”, starting with the prophet Jeremiah – Lenten Talks with Jesse Rogers will take place in the Pastoral Centre on the 4th & 18th March and 1st & 15th April at 7.30 p.m. All welcome.

World Day of Prayer takes place in Maynooth Community Church on Saturday next 8th March at 11.00 a.m. See poster in Church porch.

Congratulations to the girls from the Presentation Convent and the boys and girls from Educate Together School who received their Confirmation on Friday last. The Confirmation Ceremony for Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich will take place on Friday next 7th

The Dublin Diocese Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Saturday 26th April. The Parish will have a bus travelling to Knock.   The pilgrimage mass will be celebrated at 3.00 pm by the Archbishop of Dublin.  We will be stopping in Gleeson’s Hotel for a meal on the return journey.  The cost of trip is €45.  If you are interested in travelling please contact the Parish Office.  Further details will be available later on.


First Collection:  €1,253        (support of Diocesan Priests)

Family Envelope & Standing Orders: €2,477

SHARE:  €947