
Today is the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

We would like to remind you that on Saturday, 29th June, we will bid farewell to our esteemed parish priest, Fr. Frank McEvoy, with a final Mass at St Mary’s Church, Maynooth, at 7 PM. We warmly invite all parishioners to join us for this service, which will be followed by a gathering for tea, coffee, and sandwiches at the Parish Pastoral Centre.

We are also asking for volunteers to contribute baked goods for this event. All contributions can be dropped off at the Parish Pastoral Centre from 3 PM onwards on Saturday.  We look forward to seeing you next Saturday evening.

The Annual Mass & Blessing of Graves will take place at Laraghbryan Cemetery on Sunday next 30th June at 3.00 p.m.

Summer Dues envelopes are available in the porch. Please take one on your way out and return it to the Parish Office or in the basket collections at Mass.


First Collection:  €1,498                    (support of Diocesan Priests)

Family Envelope & Standing Orders: €2,341

SHARE:  €1,080