We wish you all a very Happy and Holy Christmas.
Monday is St Stephen’s Day – Mass will be at 10.00 a.m. in St Mary’s.
We wish to thank all who sent in their Christmas Dues. The Parish Calendar and dues envelopes are available in the porch. Please return your dues in the baskets during Mass or to the Parish Office.
The Society of St Vincent de Paul wish to thank all who contributed to their collection. Amount collect to date is €21,180. Donations are still coming in – so if you would like to donate please drop it in to the Parish Office after Christmas.
The Prolife Campaign would like to thank everybody who contributed to its Church-Gate collection last weekend. The total amount collected between St Mary’s and Ladychapel was €935.17. People who still wish to contribute may do so by visiting the Prolife Campaign Website.
First Collection: €1,102 (support of Diocesan Priests)
Family Envelope & Standing Orders: €2,086
SHARE: €975