Church Notices – St Mary’s Parish, Maynooth and Ladychapel 12th/13th March, 2022
- Today is the 2nd Sunday of Lent
- There will be one weekday Mass during Lent at 10.00 a.m.
- We ask that you please continue to sanitise your hands when you come into the Church and when you leave.
- Thursday next is St Patrick’s Day. Vigil Mass in St Mary’s on Wednesday evening at 00 p.m. and Vigil Mass in Ladychapel at 8.00 p.m. There will be only one Mass on St Patrick’s Day at 10.00 a.m. in St Mary’s.
- On Sunday next 20th March Maynooth Community Council invites you to a Gathering of Remembrance to remember and celebrate the lives of all who have been lost to Covid. This will take place in the Harbour Field from 3.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. See details in the porches.
- The Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on the April 23rd We are planning a bus from the Parish to Knock. Details are available in the Parish Newsletter. Please take a copy on your way out.
- Trocaire Boxes are available in the Church porches. Please take one and it can be returned to the Sacristy or the Parish Office when Lent is over.
First Collection: €706 PARISH COLLECTIONS
(support of Diocesan Priests) Family Envelope &
SHARE: €301 Standing Orders: €2,535