
On Sunday the 3rd of March Fr Frank celebrated the final Do This In Memory Mass. It was the third Sunday of Lent and the theme for the Mass was “our Lenten Journey”. The girls and boys from Gaelscoil Ui Fhiaich and Gaelscoil Ruairi provided the wonderful art which was on display for all the parishioners to admire. A huge thank you to the children who did the readings, reflections, collected the baskets and brought up the gifts.

Thank you especially to the wonderful Family Mass choir, all the parents who volunteered and especially Jiajia who was working behind the scenes at all the Masses to ensure the tea and coffee was ready after Mass.

The DTIM Mass is one part of the child’s preparation for First Communion.

As we draw closer to First Holy Communion time there are some events taking place:

The next Children and parents Adoration group on Friday the 15th of March, thank you to all the families who joined us for the last one.

The children’s stations of the Cross will take place on Good Friday at 12pm, if you child would like to get involved I will have a rehearsal for this on the Friday they finish school. I’ll have more details closer to the time.

The Corpus Christi procession will take place on the 2nd of June, this is a chance for all the First Holy Communion children to wear their outfits again 🙂 and I really need volunteers, please if you can help let me know by emailing

-Emma, Parish Youth Leader