Parish Youth Leader Vacancy
Seeking a Parish Youth Leader
Currently, Maynooth Parish is seeking a Parish Youth Leader to lead its youth ministry and work with young people located in its Parish. The role will involve the resourcing, delivery, and support of a youth ministry programme in the schools and Parish with a focus on building capacity in the local context.
The successful candidate will engage with the development of Youth and Pastoral programmes and Sacramental preparation coordination. The candidate will actively promote and encourage the involvement of young people in the life of the local parish community
As a parish community, we must continue to strive to find ways to provide support to parents as they raise their children in their families and our parish traditions. To this end, we are advertising a vacancy for the position of Parish Youth Leader.
To receive an application please email
The Closing date for applications is October 18th 2023 @1pm.
More information below video
Parish Youth Leader – A commitment to young people
Today, we have thousands of children attending schools in the parish. We need to do everything possible to reach out to these schools and support parents who wish to provide for their children’s holistic development including their faith and spirituality.
We also have thousands of young adults attending university locally, and we need to play our part as a parish in providing a welcoming beacon of light up Kilcock Road.
Our Parish Youth Leader position is a full-time appointment, of a suitably qualified candidate; someone who could relate strongly to young people and work alongside the Parish Team. This person would lead and assist in the provision of faith formation in the schools, as well as in the Parish.
In addition, we plan to reach out to the university to see how we can work in partnership to provide spiritual support in a happy and welcoming atmosphere. Pope Francis recently called on young people to reach out to older people they can trust, who can listen and offer them advice for their future. Our Parish Youth Leader should be a visible person belonging to our Parish who can accompany our young people.
In summary, we see the Parish Youth Leader as a key response to a future where:
● There is a decline in the Number of Priests.
● There is a greater need to support our Parish schools.
● In a new era of mutual ministry, where we support the work of priests, parish volunteers, and teachers.
● The development of a new leadership for Priests and the Parish Pastoral Council to provide faith leadership in our community.
● We can support future generations to experience that wonderful feeling of God’s love.
To receive an application please email
The closing date for applications is Wednesday, October 18th 2023 @1pm