Congratulations on the birth of your child! The Parish Community shares in your joy. By requesting Baptism for your child, you are publicly thanking God for his gift to you and making a commitment to bring up your child in the Catholic faith.
Your child’s baptism is a time of celebration and joy. We will help and support you in planning and preparing for your child’s Baptism.
Steps in booking Baptism for your child:
– Contact the Parish Office (usually by phone or email).
You will be given information on the Baptism dates that are currently available. Baptisms usually take place at the following times:
First and Third Saturday of every month in St Mary’s: 12:00 noon
Second Sunday of every month in St Mary’s: 2:15 pm
Fourth Sunday of every month in Ladychapel: 2:00 pm
– Choose your preferred date.
Your name, address, email address and telephone number along with your child’s name are required to make the booking.
– Submit hard copies of the paperwork to the Parish Office.
An original of your child’s birth certificate is required, along with a completed Baptism Booking form (available from the parish office or it may be emailed to you)
Please Note:
Parents must give at least two weeks’ notice to the Parish Office.
Click Here For a Baptism Booklet
Baptism Preparation
As a group, the following will be discussed during baptism preparation:
1. What does Baptism mean to me?
2. What does a faith community mean to me.
3. How do I show my commitment to the faith in my home.
Parents usually attend preparation at the beginning of the month in which their child is to be baptised.
The practicalities of the baptism day are also addressed during preparation.
Godparents must be baptised and confirmed Catholics over 16 years of age. They should be adults who practice their faith so that the child can look to them for guidance and good example as the child grows. You must have at least one Godparent; usually there are two.
Registration of Baptism
A record of the baptism will be made in the Parish Baptismal Register; this includes the full names of the child, parents and godparents, the child’s date of birth, date of baptism and name of the officiating priest.
This enables a Certificate of Baptism to be issued when later required.
On a date after your child has been baptised you may request a Certificate of Baptism by contacting the Parish Office.